The Dalmatian is a distinctively spotted dog; poised and alert; strong, muscular and active; free of shyness; intelligent in expression; symmetrical in outline; and without exaggeration or coarseness. The Dalmatian is capable of great endurance, combined with fair amount of speed.
Dalmatians are loving and affectionate. They’re loyal and want to please. They are, generally, great with children and other dogs. They crave human attention and need to feel part of the family.
The dogs are easy to groom and usually live for 10-12 years. They NEED exercise everyday, but, if they get this, are fine for condo living. Training is highly recommended.
Whenever possible, we recommend that all of the members of the prospective adoptive family and their dog(s) come to meet the Dal or Dals they are interested at the kennel facilities, and spend time interacting with the dog before committing to any particular dog. Each adoptive family must complete an adoption questionnaire and be willing to submit to a home inspection, both pre- and post-adoption. Once approved, the adoption fee ranges from $250-450, and each dog is spayed or neutered, and has its current rabies and other vaccinations and is typically micro-chipped. While we generally adopt to families located in the Southern California area, we are happy to work with an out-of-town family in arranging an adoption, with the understanding that all costs of transportation and travel are to be paid for by the adopting family. Other special requirements, such as photos of your home and property and a letter from the family vet, may be required in the event of an out-of-town adoption.
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Consider these safety tips before adopting and bringing your
new dog home.
Secure an ID tag to a buckle collar and keep that collar on the dog at all times. Keep it "2-fingers" snug. Don't risk your dog's life to a loose collar.
Before you let your new dog loose in a yard, make sure the fence is high enough and secure. Monitor their movement once they are in the yard. If there are any openings from which to escape, your dog will certainly find them before you do!
They should not be left alone in the yard. While it takes time for some dogs to adjust,it's worth the extra time and effort to acclimate them and your neighbors will thank you.
Shield electrical wires and plug outlets in your home. Don't leave coins, clips, etc. on the floor. Store cleaning products high on a shelf or behind latched doors. Equip cabinet doors with child-proof latches.
Identify and move toxic plants out of reach. For a complete list of toxic plants, check with the National Animal Poison Control Center.
Garages can be especially dangerous places for dogs. Place tools with sharp edges in a safe place, including snail bait and other pesticides, which should be on a high shelf out of reach.
Newport Beach, California 92660